Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Reasons To Love Brazil

We went to visit the Pao de Acucar/Sugar Loaf and took a cable car to the top it was so AWESOME!! The view was breath taking!! It was just about sunset and a little cloudy but the pictures we took turned out great. I will miss this, and I am so glad we did it. When I think back on Brazil, I know that I will think of these things and not the traffic which I complain about every time I am in the car!!

We also have been to the beach a lot but I thought I would share the latest pictures I took. It is hard to believe that we live so close to all this, only a block away, I have to remember how lucky we are to be living in such a beautiful place.


Sandy said...

It certainly is a beautiful place. Best thing about being a military family. You really do get to travel the world and you are right, we usually remember only the good stuff!

The Child Family said...

Wow, the beaches there are beautiful! Nothing like the beaches in Califonia now! Remember our trip to the beach in Middle school... laying out and looking up at the "view" of that old man!!! Ahh, gotta love those California beaches!!!!
How lucky your kids are to grow up by the beach! Only Stephanie can remember going... sad :(