So Marcus has been away for a week on a class trip to the Amazon. I know poor thing!! I do feel a little bad for him, he got sick, it was bad I guess...but what I am jealous about is that he is having soo much fun!! Everyday he has been doing something new and exciting...drat! Then the final straw!! He went to a Dave Matthews Band concert in the Amazons!! But it does not stop there, O-No, he called me today and said, "Guess what I just spent the last 5 minutes doing?" I was afraid to answer, who could know with all the fun things he had been doing, so I just said, "have no idea" then he informed me that he had just been chatting away with all the members of the band!! Like they were long lost friends or something!! Man, some guys get all the luck!! I am glad he has had such a great time, but I can not help the "little green monster" that is creeping up inside of me!! Hurry home Marcus, I have a full week planned of exciting "house chores" for ya!!!